Contact Us

We’re here to help

Our goal is to provide a bespoke and value added service at competitive rates. Please contact us for a fee quote based on your requirements and particular circumstances.

Jon Allen          Tel: 01276 855400 / Email:

Julia Allen         Tel: 01276 855400 / Email:

Scott Cosby      Tel: 0207 993 6309 / Email:

Bill Rawlings     Tel: 01424 236 384 / Email:

Rachel Major    Tel: 0117 403 7978 / Email:

Gracie Davis     Tel: 01276 408718/ Email:


Registered Office and Postal address for Jon, Julia, Bill & Gracie:

Strawcock Field, Bagshot Road, Chobham, Woking GU24 8DA


Postal address for Scott:

4 Hering Drive, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4PP


Postal address for Rachel:

30 Southdown Road, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, BS9 3NL